Field Research Centre
Situated in the ruins of the Georgian Period Artillery Officers Quarters at Dow's Hill, Antigua, and upstairs the Nelson's Dockyard Museum, the Field Research Centre is dedicated to the study of Archaeology in Antigua and the Lesser Antilles. It was founded in June 2000 by Antiguan archaeologist Dr. Reg. Murphy and is a collaborative venture by the National Parks, Antigua and Barbuda and the Historical and Archaeological Society of Antigua. Both organisations are dedicated to the research and preservation of Antigua's history and cultural patrimony.
The Field Research Centre is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge through multi-disciplinary field research. It's goals are to establish best practices, curate excavated collections, encourage and collect resulting publications and data, and to provide workspace and equipment for scholars. As a branch of the combined research sectors of the Museum of Antigua and the Dockyard Museum, National Parks, it works in partnership with graduate students and academics from a number of universities on projects including, climate change research, GPS and GIS mapping, archaeology and forensic archaeology. It implements its own research projects and publishes on the museums databases, newsletters, and its online peer reviewed journal, Caribbean Connections.
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