Archaeological research at the Saladoid site of Royall's on Antigua, has greatly expanded our understanding of the pre-Columbian peoples and their intimate knowledge of the natural resources available on the island. Recently excavated finds include, hearths, ceramic vessels, a ceramic mask, and further evidence of the manufacturing of beads and pendants with locally available raw material. The latter has inspired a geological survey of the island to confirm the availability of the minerals and gemstones. Preliminary analysis of the faunal remains indicates a susbstantial exploitation of terrestirial fauna, especially of rice rates. Radiocarobon dates place habitation at Royall's between cal. AD 250-650.
The result of this study and fieldwork was beyond expectation.
Ceramic Age/Pre Columbian Sites: Cades Bay | Doigs | Elliot's | Green Castle Hill | Indian Creek | Long Island | Mill Reef | Royall's